I hope you will not be sorry you clicked on the link for this page. But saving an average of $4000 on 50 hours of commercial time or $3000 on 20 hours of instrument time will be worth it! Navigating the Federal Aviation Regulations can be quite a challenge. Nothing is ever simple. But I have compiled the pertinent parts below and have extracted only what you need to understand in reference to why using my AATD is legal for logging flight training and aeronautical experience. I feel it's important to provide this reference in case you are ever asked about the time you logged. You are not required to memorize this information, or even have it handy. (Other than the LOA I will give you when we train together. That you will need with your logbook.) It will always be here if you need it, but I have never heard of any examiner digging into the depths we will here.
These are not loopholes, tricks, or creative interpretation; this is how the regs are written and applied to AATD use. You may use the .pdf viewer below to view the file, or click the download button to download a copy in .pdf format.
Marker Inbound Flight Training, Fishers, Indiana
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